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4723 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE, 19803
United States

Our play center holds play, music and art classes for children to enjoy in North Wilmington, Delaware.  

Hace frío

Children's House Families

Hace frío

Amber Money

Week 11

I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your friends and family!  This week in Spanish are started to talk about weather.  We sang Que tiempo hace hoy (What is the weather today) in both the Pre-primary classes and toddler classes. Through the song we practiced the expressions hace frío (it’s cold) and hace calor (it’s hot).

We focused on Hace frío to begin since it is Winter (Invierno) and it is COLD!  We sang a song about getting dressed to go outside in the winter and used the following vocabulary:

-          Gorro (hat)

-          Guantes (gloves) / mitones (mittens)

-          Bufanda (scarf)

-          Botas (boots)

-          Abrigo (coat)


In the pre-primary classes we went more in depth with winter weather clothing sorting out which clothes would be worn for warm weather versus cold weather.  Once we were all dressed to play outside in the cold we built a snowman (hombre de nieve) and then made some Mexican hot chocolate with leche (milk), chocolate, and canela (cinnamon). 


In our toddler classes we focused on the winter clothing vocabulary to gorro (hat), mitones (mittens), and botas (boots) and reviewed the vocabulary for the parts of the face: ojos (eyes), nariz (nose), and boca (mouth) to build a snowman. 

We also sang a Spanish version of the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Estrellita) and read the story Luna

I look forward to sharing the Spanish language with your children again next week!